
The journey is the reward.

Montreal Rally July 2024

All are welcome.  Read the Press Release from former member Jack Huttner.

More information about this rally may  be found at the Google Groups Link.

Cruising at GYC

GYC welcomes our members to join the cruising fleet. We typically have three yearly cruising events: June and August long weekend cruises and July two week cruise.

Cruising is fun most of the time!  Sailing as a group, visiting new ports, making new friends, and of course, informal racing always takes place.  The times that we don't have fun is during bad weather and the dreaded breakdown.  One year one of our cruisers actually replaced his engine during the cruise.  A second member had a major engine problem AFTER returning from a month long cruise.  How's that for timing?

GYC welcomes all members to participate.  It doesn't matter if you are a novice sailor or a first place racer.

Reciprocal Information

The Genesee Yacht Club is a member of the Lake Ontario Club Cruising Association, use this link to access the website  -->  LOCCA

Link to LOCCA Reciprocal Repository

This is a useful one for you to bookmark or just remember for future recall.  The home page looks like this:
Click on the "Map" link along this top menu, you will see a map of Lake Ontario with pin-drops for all of the participating clubs.  You can zoom in and out to better see the locations of clubs, especially in the crowded western area of the "golden horseshoe" around Toronto.  Hovering your cursor over each pin drop will reveal the name of the club, and clicking on the pindrop you will find information about the club.
The "LOCCA Reciprocal Repository" is very useful.  It is a table which concisely lists the reciprocal policies of participating clubs.  A print out of this will be on display on our club bulletin board during the sailing season.

Drinking & Boating in Canada

Read this before crossing to Canada.

Cruising Updates

Use the Google Broadcast email to share and keep in touch with the GYC Cruising Fleet. Join the group, speak to Bill or Faye Towner if you have questions about how to join. The e-mail address is
or you can go to the website at

Officer of the Day and Reciprocals

Cruising Chairpersons: Bill and Faye Towner

Officer of the Day Chairperson: Marianne Pecoraro

Reciprocals Chairperson: Rich and Nan Allen